Join the Save the Heart of Reid Park Peaceful Protest
Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 2:30 PM MST
Gene C. Reid Park, E 22nd St, Tucson, AZ 85716
We are going to outline the 3.5 acres the City and Zoo are trying destroy for zoo expansion. We will be standing 6 to 10 feet apart holding signs, letting people know what's at stake and what would be lost.
This ridiculous plan to save wildlife by destroying beloved park land, wildlife and mature trees must be stopped! It's a lose-lose-lose situation for the zoo, park users and the City. We will take a walk past the zoo and circle their parking lot while chanting.
To end we want to line most of the sidewalks along both 22nd and Country Club to let passers-by know what's happening.
Look for people wearing green scarves with red hearts for help or questions.
A variety of music will amp up the fun!
Wear masks! Bring water and food you might need!
We have some signs made, but if you make your own it will help.
News agencies will attend this time!
Some suggestions for protest signs
I'm an 8- to 10-ft wall!
You will have to pay to get past me.
I'm a wall blocking your view from the North Pond!
I'm a wall blocking views from the South Playground!
This will disrupt a long standing ecosystem!
This will disrupt migratory birds who use this area.
We need big tees more than ever in 2021!
We need to look at this with 2020 eyes!
Bid shade makes a Big difference!
Samplings don't do the job of mature trees!
BIG TREES give big JOY!
This area is beloved and Historic!
Open to the public meetings are not Public Outreach!
I am a migratory bird that won't be back
I am a dead turtle
The Zoo's plan for the turtles is not adequate!
More concrete, more buildings makes more heat.
This project will increase the heat index in Reid Park!
If you don't know what shrinking access to a biologically diverse microbiom is. Ask me.
Shrinking access to a biologically diverse microbiom.
This area is historic and should remain!
This is the Jewel of Reid Park!
This is the Heart of Reid Park.
Close to 12 acres of lovely park space lost in a decade!
Nobody asked me what I wanted!
No public outreach!
I walk here everyday!
I can't walk my dog in a zoo!
My kids and I love this area!
Old growth trees are needed more than ever! We are in a Climate Crisis!
The public needs this area desperately!
More Public Park Space, Not Less!
Where is Joni Mitchell when we need her?
These old trees sequester huge amounts of carbon.
128 TREES lost to Public Access.
This project will create ill will towards the Zoo.
This is a lose-lose plan!
With this expansion you lose our trust!
When City or Zoo wants money again, just say NO!
Barnum Hill is a safe space for for the public!
This area is a precious, beloved resource!
Your plan will disproportionately effects the poor!
Your plan will disproportionately effects the Hispanic and Latino community!
This is just a stupid idea!
Killing wildlife to save wildlife?
Over 5000 bird species sightings around Barnum Hill!
Personal signs/things heard from the public:
I met my husband on Barnum Hill
I was married on Barnum Hill
I took my kids and grandkids there.
There goes my childhood!
I will never give the zoo money again if they do this.
I never imagined in a million years the City would give away this area.
What is the City thinking?
This is crazy!
I'm horrified we might lose this area!
I've walked this area everyday for 30 years!
I just bought my house in this area because of Barnum Hill.
I never go to the Zoo.
I just rescinded my zoo membership
On our Facebook Event Page, you may express interest in or signify intent to attend this protest.